Friday, July 26, 2013

Is it Time to Find a New Leaf?!

Many of us want more out of our lives, yet we hardly do what is required to get it. We want more, but we continue on in the patterns and habits that have only gotten us as far as what we currently have. T.D. Jakes once said in one of his sermons, "If you always do what you've always done, then you will be what you've always been." I found this to be so profound as we seldom think in this way. Asking the question, "how can we want something different in our lives if we continue to do what has only gotten us what we have?" We just end up in the same place...still needing and wanting more out of life because nothing we do has changed. The process is still the same, yet we want different results. We want more and more...we can see it conceptually, yet due to our myopic way of thinking we fall short of attaining it. We fall into becoming one trick ponies, the worm who only eats off of one type of leaf, that person who only reads one type/genre of a book...only to wonder why we reap the same outcomes. One thing that i've learned is this; if we want different result in our lives, then we have to change up the process. Wanting more in life means moving into uncharted territory...moving away from what feels comfortable. It means that what may have worked to get you to a certain point will not work when moving into what is unfamiliar. We have to in a way reinvent ourselves being open to learning new ways and tactics than our own. Being open to a new way of thinking or gaining perspectives from others who have found success in what is new for us. We become utterly myopic when we think that just because we've been doing something one way for years that it means it's what works or what is right. We have to broaden our way of thinking and humble ourselves to know that sometimes what we do or have done just is not working and something has to change. Furthermore, what we have to remember is this; a good teacher only becomes a great one when they always remain the student. It is my hope that someone is sparked by this post and will REALLY be honest with themselves understanding that at some point we all in some form have thought or think this way. If you find your current situation or circumstance to be unsatisfying do something about it. Make some changes and do something different. It's time out for being that person who only does what they have always done....change it never know what new things you'll open yourself up to.

Something to Ponder...

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