Friday, August 9, 2013

Worth the Wait!

Happy Friday! Stumbled across this video this morning and had to share. I truly appreciate the talents of others and those who have the gift of poetry. Enjoy this's that PEACE! ;-)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Ask a Black Man: Episode 4 - Marriage

I came across this video today during my daily perusing of YouTube content and found it intriguing enough to share. I truly believe that gaining perspective is imperative to fruitful experiences and interactions with people in general, but most importantly when it comes to our male counterparts. I found this video very interesting and believe that it gives some great insight in regards to how men may agree on certain things and even differ based on beliefs/upbringing when it comes to marriage. As always it is my hope that it helps to bring forth insight into an area we as women really are not familiar with. And hopefully for males that watch it to reflect and see where they stand on the topics addressed. Enjoy!